Arriving in La Paz you can visit us at our headquarters located at

calle Jacinto Benavente 2173, Sopocachi (central zone)
phone: (00591) 2413485.

Here you will be able to get more information and be accompanied to Coroico or to Lake Titikaka.
Also we have an amazing vegetarian restaurant, yoga classes, recycling workshops, art and natural products for adults and children, and possibility to rest in shared bedrooms.

In case you find yourself in Arica(Chile), you will be able to receive housing in the city or at the eco-village in the Valle de Lluta (1hr outside of Arica).

For more information feel free to contact us via mail or by calling us:

- 00591-73299702, cell phone, bolivia (in english, french, italian and spanish)

- 0056-9-89730227, Chile



See: "How to contact us"